Well, I canceled FiOS. Ultimately the download speeds were 6 MB/sec slower than Comcast cable and upload speeds were 6 MB/sec faster. For running a server or VPN or getting files off your computer the upload speed is more important but for everything else the download speed is. I had some fancy screenshots of various tests but have since misplaced them so you'll have to deal with the text version.

FiOS Download speed: Consistant 25 MB/sec (rated at 25)

Comcast Download speed: Consistant 30 MB/sec

FiOS Upload speed: Inconsistant 2-20 MB/sec (rated at 15)

Comcast Upload speed: Inconsistant 2-8 MB/sec

Verizon gives you more upload speed but then kills any chance that you'll ever use it by blocking port 80. Thanks guys. The workarounds like using zoneedit to do a web forward were all slow and hackish. If someone clicked on grantmcwilliams.com what appeared in their browser URL bar was grantmcwilliams.com:8080 which isn't very pretty. I might have lived with it had it been fast but it wasn't.

So there were several strikes against Verizon and their FiOS.

  1. Port 80 is blocked
  2. Upload speeds not as fast as advertised 80% of the time
  3. Couldn't move the router between ports like I was promised
  4. I had to use their router and change my bridged wireless network configuration
  5. Cost $120 more a year than the same speed of service from Comcast
  6. They're Verizon

As soon as I canceled my FiOS I got an automated call that said my service was scheduled for disconnect and I needed to pay. Coincedence? Maybe, see number 6.