Xenserver Howtos
Xenserver and Xen Cloud Platform howtos. Most of these howtos are up to date for Xenserver 6.5 (Creedence). However, the ones I use less may not currently but as I get to them I'll update them.
Xen Cloud Platform is the free/open community driven version of Citrix Xenserver. I've moved all of my Xen Virtual Machines to Xen cloud Platform so any future tutorials will most likely be about XCP. I've found XCP to be a wonderful product but not necessarily an easy tool sometimes thus the tutorials you see below.
Citrix Xenserver has been opensourced and thus there's no need for Xen Cloud Platform any longer. Most of the tutorials here work on both but all future tutorials will be targeting Xenserver. As time permits I'm updating tutorials for Xenserver 6.5 (Creedence) - Jan 15, 2014.
How to get started: Go to xenserver.org and download the latest ISO disk image of Xenserver and install it on a machine. If you don't have a CD drive on your Xenserver host put the installer on a USB drive. It uses the whole machine as it's an appliance so beware. By the way I think this is the best design strategy. It's a good idea to let your Hypervisor/Cloud stack focus on what it's good at and not use it for playing World of Warcraft. ;-)
Expect a great deal more Howtos in the future. Feel free to request them as well. If it's within scope of what I'm doing I may create one just for you.
These tutorials can also be found on the Xenapi Admin Project website and the XCP wiki.